Psychological Services

POST: Section Head: Psychological Services (Brigadier)

LOCATION: Human Resource Management, Head Office, Pretoria LEVEL OF REMUNERATION Band A (SMS) An all-inclusive flexible remuneration package of R 1 238 355 per annum is applicable

REFERENCES: 24/07/3635 (1 post)

Generic Requirements:

The post requires skills in strategic capability, analytical ability and leadership, programme and project management, financial management, change management, service delivery innovation, problem solving and analysis, people management and empowerment, client orientation, audit and assurance, audit and risk management experience, stake holder relations and customer focus. Applicants must have knowledge of systems, processes, procedures, policies and legislation relevant to the field of the post, such as the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS), Public Service Act, South African Police Service Act, as well as Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, Police / Public Service Regulations, Risk Management Framework in the Public Sector and other relevant legislation. Applicants must also be computer literate (Microsoft Word/Power Point/Excel).

Appointment Requirements:


Must be in possession of a Master’s Degree in one of the following categories of Psychology: Industrial/Clinical/Counselling. An applicable post graduate qualification relevant to the core functions of the post, relevant training and development in a Middle Management Learning Programme, Leadership and Management Training Programme, and/or Programme and Project Management may be an advantage.

Must be registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Psychologist proof of valid registration with the HPCSA for 2024 / 2025 financial year must be attached to the application form;

Must have experience in development of programmes and policies, experience in development of Mental Health Interventions which include mainly Trauma and Suicide Intervention.

Must be experienced in managing Psychometric Assessments, Organizational

Diagnosis, and Team Development Programs: Must have a minimum period of three years’ appropriate managerial experience in the

field of the post: Must be fluent in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English;

Must have a valid motor vehicle drivers’ license; and

Will be required to undergo a security vetting process to the level of Top Secret and obtain a security clearance of Top Secret within six months after appointment (if not already in possession of such a valid security clearance).

Functions: Core

Render a psychological-related services which may include one (1) or more combination of psychological interventions, psychological evaluations and/project management aimed at

mitigating mental health challenges within the organization.

Development of Organizational Norms, Standards, Policies and Procedures linked to Psychological Services. Manage the facilitation and implementation of Organizational Diagnosis / Team Building

interventions within SAPS. Ensure the rendering of professional, integrated mental health services and interventions

within the Employee Health and Wellness component.

Design interventions aimed at improving the organizational health profile with special focus

employees on emotional, personal and work-related challenges.

Offer supervisory services to other psychology professionals. Manage the facilitation of psychometric assessments, specialized selections, assessment

centers and other psychological evaluation and selection services directed towards the recruitment of different categories of employees within SAPS. Marketing of Psychological Services.

Manage and utilise human, financial, physical and information resources in the immediate post environment in accordance with the strategies, priorities and regulatory framework of the SAPS.


Application forms specifically developed for this advertisement (containing the closing

date for applications in Red on page 1), will be available from SAPS Head Office,

Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street, PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208.

The use of any other (old) application form may result in the rejection of the

application. Application forms will also be available at the Provincial Offices, Human

Resource Management and on the SAPS Website: The

application form that must be used is circulated together with the advertisement and it may

be requested via only one of the following e-mail addresses:

Se*******************@sa**.za; Mb*******@sa**.za se********@sa**.za; Sn*************@sa**.za Ra**********@sa**.za

Application forms may be delivered by hand to the SAPS Head Office, Subsection: SMS

Appointment Administration: Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street,

PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208 (between 07:30 and 16:00), or may be posted to (please note that in the event that an application is posted, it must be reached at the indicated office before or on the closing date and time specified in the advertisement i.e. 12 August 2024 at 16:00):

The South African Police Service, Subsection: SMS Appointment Administration, Private Bag X986, PRETORIA, 0001

The onus is on the candidate to obtain a reference number as proof of registration of the application. It is furthermore the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application has been received at the Subsection: SMS Appointment Administration, Head Office on or before the closing date and time of the advertisement. Late applications will not be accepted or considered.

➤ Enquiries can be directed to ANY of the personnel at SMS Appointment Administration: Head Office including Colonel Naicker, Lieutenant Colonel Horst, Lieutenant Colonel Rivombo, Captain Mashile or Captain Mbokane at telephone number: 012 393-4463/1112 /1078/1014/2484/2773/2436.


The closing date for applications is: 12 August 2024 at 16:00.

Only the official application form (specifically developed for this advertisement) as mentioned in paragraph 6 supra will be accepted. The use of any other (old) application form may result in the rejection of the application. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application. The initials and surname of the applicant must be



endorsed on every page of the application form in the space provided.

The post particulars and number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form.

A separate application form and CV must be submitted for each post applied for.

The CV must contain full particulars of:

all boards on which an applicant serves; current employment and other business interests;

career promotions, appointments, career developments, career history, and

current studies and qualifications.

An applicant must also attach to every application copies of ONLY the following documents (which need not be certified):

id document.

valid motor vehicle drivers’ license (must be valid on closing date for applications as stipulated in the advertisement);

post school qualification – Degree/ Diploma certificates of all educational qualifications obtained (academic records and/or statements of results only do not suffice); and

any specific document/course required in the advertisement.

Applicants must declare all interests or involvement in a public or private board

or council or any other private entity of which such interest may create a conflict of


Applicants must indicate in the application form whether he/she has been found

guilty of a criminal / departmental / disciplinary offence or whether any civil

judgment have been delivered against him/her.

Applicants must indicate in the application form whether he/she has any criminal

/ departmental / disciplinary investigation or hearing, or civil matters pending

against him/her.

Applicants must not have any tattoo marks which will be visible when wearing any

Police uniform.

Successful candidates for appointment, will be vetted in terms of Chapter 7, Part

2 of the Children’s Act, 2005 (Act No 38 of 2005) or the National Sex Offenders

Register [Section 42 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters)

Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No 32 of 2007)]. A candidate whose particulars appear

in either the National Register for Sex Offenders or Part B of the Child Protection

Register may be disqualified from appointment to that post.

If it appears after an applicant’s appointment that his or her name appears in either

of the indicated registers, his or her appointment may be re-considered.

Candidates are expected to disclose if he/she is a respondent in an interim or

final protection order in terms of the Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No 116 of

1998) or Protection from Harassment Act, 2011 (Act No 17 of 2011), and may be

disqualified from appointment to that post.

The final selected candidate must disclose any financial interest, in the prescribed POST: Section Head: Psychological Services (Brigadier)

LOCATION: Human Resource Management, Head Office, Pretoria LEVEL OF REMUNERATION Band A (SMS) An all-inclusive flexible remuneration package of R 1 238 355 per annum is applicable

REFERENCES: 24/07/3635 (1 post)

Generic Requirements:

The post requires skills in: strategic capability, analytical ability and leadership, programme and project management, financial management, change management, service delivery innovation, problem solving and analysis, people management and empowerment, client orientation, audit and assurance, audit and risk management experience, stake holder relations and customer focus. Applicants must have knowledge of systems, processes, procedures, policies and legislation relevant to the field of the post, such as the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS), Public Service Act, South African Police Service Act, as well as Public Finance Management Act, Treasury Regulations, Police / Public Service Regulations, Risk Management Framework in the Public Sector and other relevant legislation. Applicants must also be computer literate (Microsoft Word/Power Point/Excel).

Appointment Requirements:


Must be in possession of a Master’s Degree in one of the following categories of Psychology: Industrial/Clinical/Counselling. An applicable post graduate qualification relevant to the core functions of the post, relevant training and development in a Middle Management Learning Programme, Leadership and Management Training Programme, and/or Programme and Project Management may be an advantage;

Must be registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Psychologist proof of valid registration with the HPCSA for 2024 / 2025 financial year must be attached to the application form;

Must have experience in development of programmes and policies, experience in development of Mental Health Interventions which include mainly Trauma and Suicide Intervention.

Must be experienced in managing Psychometric Assessments, Organizational

Diagnosis, and Team Development Programs: Must have a minimum period of three years’ appropriate managerial experience in the

field of the post: Must be fluent in at least two of the official languages, of which one must be English.

Must have a valid motor vehicle drivers’ license; and

Will be required to undergo a security vetting process to the level of Top Secret and obtain a security clearance of Top Secret within six months after appointment (if not already in possession of such a valid security clearance).

Functions: Core

Render a psychological-related services which may include one (1) or more combination of psychological interventions, psychological evaluations and/project management aimed at

mitigating mental health challenges within the organization.

Development of Organizational Norms, Standards, Policies and Procedures linked to Psychological Services. Manage the facilitation and implementation of Organizational Diagnosis / Team Building

interventions within SAPS. Ensure the rendering of professional, integrated mental health services and interventions

within the Employee Health and Wellness component.

Design interventions aimed at improving the organizational health profile with special focus

employees on emotional, personal and work-related challenges.

Offer supervisory services to other psychology professionals. Manage the facilitation of psychometric assessments, specialised selections, assessment

centers and other psychological evaluation and selection services directed towards the recruitment of different categories of employees within SAPS. Marketing of Psychological Services.

Manage and utilize human, financial, physical and information resources in the immediate post environment in accordance with the strategies, priorities and regulatory framework of the SAPS.


Application forms specifically developed for this advertisement (containing the closing

date for applications in Red on page 1), will be available from SAPS Head Office,

Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street, PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208.

The use of any other (old) application form may result in the rejection of the

application. Application forms will also be available at the Provincial Offices, Human

Resource Management and on the SAPS Website: The

application form that must be used is circulated together with the advertisement and it may

be requested via only one of the following e-mail addresses:

Se*******************@sa**.za; Mb*******@sa**.za se********@sa**.za; Sn*************@sa**.za Ra**********@sa**.za

Application forms may be delivered by hand to the SAPS Head Office, Subsection: SMS

Appointment Administration: Wachthuis Building, Thibault Arcade, 225 Pretorius Street,

PRETORIA, 2nd floor, room T208 (between 07:30 and 16:00), or may be posted to (please

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