QAD-01/2023 (X2 POSTS)
SALARY : Grade1: R431 265 per annum
Grade 2: R528 696 per annum
Other Benefits: 13th cheque Home owners allowance (employee must meet
prescribed requirements, Medical Aid (Optional) and 8%rural allowance
CENTRE : KZN Health Qadi Clinic
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12, Degree/Diploma in general nursing and Midwifery or equivalent
qualification that allows registration with the SANC as a Professional Nurse.
One year post basic qualification in Advanced Midwifery accredited with the
SANC. Proof of current registration with SANC (only shortlisted candidates will
submit proof). Certificate of service endorsed by your Human Resource
Department (only shortlisted candidates will submit). Knowledge, Skills and
Competencies Required: Knowledge of nursing care processes and
procedures, nursing statutes and other relevant Legal frameworks i.e. Nursing
Acts, Mental Act OH& S Act, Labour Relations Act Batho Pele and patient right
Charter. Good insight of procedures and policies pertaining to nursing care.
Leadership, organizational, decision making and problem solving abilities.
Interpersonal skills including public relations, negotiating, conflict handling and
counselling. Financial and budgetary knowledge. Computer skills on basic
DUTIES : Provision of optimal, holistic specialized nursing care with set standards and
within a professional legal framework. Ensuring clinical nursing practice by the
nursing team in accordance with the Scope of Practice and nursing standards
as determined by the relevant health facility. Implement activities aimed at the
improvement of women’s health. Ensure high quality nursing care is rendered
to all clients accessing maternal services in the facility by considering
CARMMA objectives, ESMOE, KINC, Helping Babies Breath (HBB) BBI.
Identify high risks clients during anti-natal and post-natal periods, manage and
refer accordingly. Ensure that other antenatal care programs i.e BANC are
implemented to enhance care to all pregnant women. Ensure implementation
and integration of HAST programs in O&G departments within the facility.
Ensure accurate and proper record keeping for statistical purposes. Ensure
adherence to the principles of infection prevention and control practices in the
unit. Assess and identify the relationship between normal and physiological
and specific system, alterations associated with problems, disorders and
treatment in the pregnancy, labour, puerperium and neonates. Able to identify,
manage, assist medical officer and refer obstetric emergencies according to
protocols and guidelines. Participate in training, monitoring and research with
the view to increasing the body of knowledge in the midwifery practice. Assist
in planning and coordinating of training and promote learning opportunities for
all nursing categories. Ensure compliance to qualify, IPC, Ideal CHC Hospital
realization and maintenance (HRM) and norms and standards. Complete
patient related data, partake in PPIP and attend peri-natal meetings. Collate
and analyze data before submitting to the next level. Promote, instill and
maintain discipline, professionalism and work ethics among employees.
Manage the utilization and supervision of resources. Demonstrate an in-depth
understanding of legislation and related nursing practices and how this impact
on service delivery. Maintain a constructive working relationship with
multidisciplinary team members. Monitor and report patient and safety
incidence and patient’s complaints. Assist in orientation and mentoring of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr. ST Mseleku (AMN) Tel No: (031) 519 0455
APPLICATIONS : to be forwarded to: The Human Resource Manager, Inanda Community Health
Centre, Private Bag X04, Phoenix, 4080 or hand delivered to Human Resource
Department, C 135 Umshado Road, Inanda, 4309.
NOTE : Directions to candidates: The following documents must be submitted,
Application for Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable at any Government
Department or from the Website –, Updated
comprehensive Curriculum Vitae stating any experience relevant to the Position. Certified copies of highest educational qualifications and other
relevant documents will only be requested from the shortlisted candidates. Z
83 form must be completed in full manner that allows a selection committee to
assess the quality of candidate based on the information provided on the form.
Persons in possession of the foreign qualification will be required to bring an
evaluation certificate from the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA)
when shortlisted. The Post Reference Number must be indicated in the column
provided on the form Z83 e.g Pharm 02/2023 NB: Failure to comply with the
above instruction will disqualify applicants .Persons with disabilities should feel
free to apply also African males are encouraged to apply. This department is
an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer whose aim is to promote
represent in all categories in the department. The appointment is subject to the
positive outcome obtained from the following checks, (Security checks, Credits
records, qualification, citizenship and previous experience verifications).
Please take note that due to the large number of applications anticipated,
applications might not be acknowledged. Correspondence might be limited to
short listed candidates only. If you do not hear from us within 3 months of the
closing date, please accept that your application has been unsuccessful.
African males are encouraged to apply, Applications must be submitted on or
before the closing date.
CLOSING DATE : 28 July 2023