SALARY : R261 372 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office: KZN
REQUIREMENTS : Three (3) year National Diploma (NQF 6)/ Undergraduate Bachelor Degree
(NQF 7) in Office Management, Information Management and Technology,
Public Administration, Business Administration, Business Management, Public
Management. One (1) year functional experience in office administration/
secretariat services. Knowledge: Departmental policies and procedures,
Planning and organizing, Administration procedures, Batho Pele Principles,
Interpersonal relations. Skills: Facilitation, Interpersonal relationship,
Communication both (verbal & written), Computer, Telephone etiquette,
Organising, Decision Making, Analytical, Project Management.
DUTIES : Provide a receptionist support to the Branch/ Office/ Chief Directorate/
Directorate/ Directorate including diary management for the
DG/DDG/COO/Chief Director/Director. Render a Secretariat Services for the
Office of the DG/DDG/COO/Chief Director/Director. Assist in Monitoring and
maintaining the budget including the supply chain for the Chief
Directorate/Directorate. Facilitate and coordinate all logistical and resource
requirements of the Chief Directorate/Directorate. Provide Management
Information and records management services in the Chief
Directorate/Directorate. Track and monitor projects tasks within the Chief
ENQUIRIES : Mrs NTG Khomo Tel No: (031) 366 2331
APPLICATIONS : Chief Director: Provincial Operations: PO Box 940, Durban, 4000 or hand
deliver at 267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban.
FOR ATTENTION : Sub-directorate: Human Resources Operations, Provincial Office: KZN
CLOSING DATE : 26 August 2022 at 16:00