NAC Internship Programme Opportunities

5 x Internship Programme

The National Arts Council of South Africa (NAC) is contributing towards skills development by providing
graduates with an opportunity to gain work experience in Arts Administration. The NAC is therefore
inviting applications for an Internship Programme that will run for a period of six (6) months. Interns will
be placed within the NAC offices in Newtown, Johannesburg.

The NAC is an equal opportunity employer and would be guided by the principles of Employment Equity
Act (EEA) when considering the applications. The NAC upholds the right to place or not place applicants
based on its needs and requirements.


  • Applicants must hold at least a four-year Arts degree
  • Applicants must be at least 21 to 35 years old.
  • Applicants must be unemployed.
  • Applicants with an Arts Administration qualification will have an added advantage.

Successful interns will be expected to sign an Internship Agreement.


Applications should be accompanied by certified copies of qualifications, ID, CV and a detailed
motivation letter. Applications must be sent to the following email address: jo**@na*.za Please
specify on the subject line: Internship Programme: Arts Administration

f you have not heard from the NAC by 10 September 2024, please note that your application has been
unsuccessful. The NAC applies the Employment Equity Act in its recruitment process and strives for a
staff complement that is representative of South Africa. The NAC reserves the right not to appoint.

Closing date for applications: 27 August 2024

Ms. Florence Mohale
011 010 8886


The National Arts Council of South Africa

The  NAC was established in April, 1997 through an act of parliament (Act no.56 of 1997).

The Act mandates the NAC to:
• Provide and encourage the provision of opportunities for persons to practice the arts;
• Promote the appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of the arts;
• Promote the general application of the arts in the community;
• Foster the expression of national identity and consciousness by means of the arts;
• Uphold and promote the right of any person to freedom in the practice of the arts;
• Give the historically disadvantaged such additional help and resources as required to give them greater access to the arts;
• Address historical imbalances in the provision of infrastructure for the promotion of the arts;
• Promote and facilitate national and international liaison between individuals and institutions in respect of the arts; and
• Develop and promote the arts and encourage excellence in regard to these.


The NAC’s vision is be a catalyst in the arts, cultural and creative community that supports the free and diverse artistic expressions.


The NAC’s Mission is to be an accessible and a responsive funding agency, delivering public value by leveraging partnerships to foster the development, promotion and sustainability of the arts sector.


What is the maximum amount that one can apply for to the NAC for project funding?

The maximum amount for project funding is R500 000.00 but it depends on the merit of the project and availability of the funds.

How often does the NAC open for funding applications in a year?

The NAC opens for funding at least twice a year. Please be in the lookout on our website for announcement dates.

When is the next closing date for funding applications?

The next closing date for applications is stated on the call for applications advert. For more information please email in**@na*.za

Does a NAC bursary cover accommodation?

It may cover accommodation subject to budget availability. Priority is given to tuition fees. Students are advised to also look for other sources of funding. There are no limitations to finding other sources of funding for students.

Can students in private tertiary institutions apply directly to the NAC?

Students may apply directly to the NAC if they are doing post graduate courses.

How long does it take to process applications for funding at the NAC?

It takes a minimum of four months to process applications for project funding. The NAC deals with seven art disciplines in each funding session. Applications for local bursaries take at least two and a half months to be processed.

If a project does not receive funding, can the proposal be returned to the applicant?

The proposal will be returned to the applicant at their request.

Does the NAC fund students studying at the National School of Arts or any other Arts High Schools?

No, the NAC does not fund students at high school level.

What other form of support does the NAC give to artists, other than funding?

The NAC also offers support in the form of arts administration workshops where possible, in addition to advice and referrals. The arts administration workshops are meant to assist potential applicants in filling in the NAC forms, understanding compliance requirements, understanding the NAC funding criteria and preparing budgets and action plans.

Can an application for funding be made if an event runs throughout the year, with one event monthly?

Yes, the NAC can support one event or a programme that runs throughout the year.


Who is eligible for funding?​

To enable our vision of vibrant, sustainable arts community that enriches lives through the free and creative expression of South Africa’s cultures / through strengthening artistic and cultural creation, groups or individuals can apply for funding.


Individual applications are for a single applicant who is undertaking a project. This is meant to benefit individual creative writers, scriptwriters, choreographers, composers, crafters or painters, etc. In cases where several people are working collaboratively on a project, one member of the group should take the lead in applying.


Students can apply for local and international bursaries. Bursaries are offered to students studying towards an arts qualification. Bursaries are offered towards an Arts qualification at any institution of Higher Learning and Further Education Training levels in South Africa and abroad.


An organisation is a group of people intentionally organized to accomplish an overall common goal. Applications from formally registered organisation are acceptable.

What type of funding do I get from NAC?

This information has been compiled to assist you with your application to access funding from the National Arts Council (NAC)

There is no set minimum amount for which an individual/organisation can apply for. The maximum amount that can be applied for should not be in excess of R350 000.

The NAC reserves the right to allocate funds according to its priorities. This does not invoke the constitutional rights of any applicant. No applicant is automatically entitled to funding. All funding is at the discretion of the NAC.

Supported Programmes

Supported Projects


Assessment Criteria

Closing Dates


The categories/disciplines that the NAC funds are in line with the broad mandate of the NAC. Applicants may apply for funding under the following disciplines:

  • Craft
  • Dance
  • Literature
  • Multidiscipline
  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Visual Arts

Applications for funding for each of the above-mentioned disciplines must have the capability to address at least four of the six (6) critical focus areas below:

  1. Social cohesion and Nation Building;
  2. Unearthing marginalised and indigenous arts in rural areas;
  3. Addressing social ills such as xenophobia, and gender-based violence;
  4. Supporting the involvement of women, youth employment opportunities and people living with disabilities;
  5. Creation of new works through digital media; and
  6. Capacity Building and Arts Entrepreneurship

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