How to start your own business:


1. Go online to the website of CIPC and register a new company for R175. Registration is R125 & the name is R50.


2. Go to SARS, do a tax clearance for free (book an appointment to avoid waiting in line)on 0800 000 7277 its free


3. Open a business bank account for free and deposit the activation amount as they differ per banks but it won’t be more than R500


4. Go to your nearest Seda, ask them to do a business plan for you, for free – Plus other training that might be relevant to your field.


5. Go online, register on the CSD, for free


6. Go to your municipality & ask them to register you on their database as a supplier, for free


7. Go to your nearest NYDA, attend their financial management short course for a minimum of 5 weeks (once a week), for free


8. Apply for the NYDA funding for free. They can give you equipment for up to R50 000. You don’t pay it back.


9. Hire people & register for COIDA, Letter of good standing at the Department of Labour


10. Professionalize your business with: Logos, letterhead, business email, website, landline


11. Start an innovative business that is needed by people


12. Watch YouTube videos for tips


Starting a business is not difficult if you use the resources available to you and do the research.


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