POST 14/31 : FARM AID REF NO: 3/2/1/2023/309
Directorate: Inspection Services

SALARY : R107 196 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : North West (Buffelspoort)

REQUIREMENTS : Applicants must be in possession of NQF Level 1 or 2 (Adult Basic Education and
Training Level 2 / 3 Certificate). No experience required. Basic numeracy skills.
Basic literacy skills. Willingness to work extended hours.

DUTIES : Perform general activities in respect of crop production through Inter alia the
following: Irrigation of crops. Soil cultivation and preparation e.g. cleaning, hoeing,
etc. Apply chemical crop protection e.g. operate a knapsack. Reaping, grading,
weighing, packing and storage of farm produce. Tending of crops / orchards /
vineyards e.g. pruning, weeding etc. Perform general activities in respect of
livestock through Inter alia the following: Care of sick livestock. Dipping, vaccination
and dosing. Assist with calving, lambing, hatching etc. Count livestock.
Shepherding, moving, weighing of livestock. Slaughtering and culling. Weighing,
milling, mixing of feeds. Stacking and storing of fodder and feeds. Feeding, milking
and cleaning of water troughs for livestock. Perform general activities which would
include inter alia the following: Cleaning of facilities. Disposal of farm waste
material. Provide water supply for livestock and farm buildings. Maintain equipment
e.g. cleaning, oiling, sharpening etc. Fire fighting and prevention. Opening of
springs, troughs and unblocking of drains. Loading / off loading. Perform general
activities in respect of infrastructure which would include inter alia the following:
Maintain and build roads, fences, pipelines, canals, dams, drinking troughs, animal
housing, building etc. Maintain windmills and water supply system.

ENQUIRIES : Mr T Pongolo Tel No: (021) 809 1640

APPLICATIONS : Applications can be submitted by post to: Private Bag X833, Pretoria, 0001 or hand
delivered during office hours to: 184 Jeff Masemola Street (formerly known as
Jacob Mare), corner of Jeff Masemola and Paul Kruger Streets, Pretoria or to
Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko (formerly Beatrix) Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001.

NOTE : African, Indian and White Males and African, Coloured, Indian and White Females
and Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply

CLOSING DATE : 09 May 2023 at 16:00

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