Component: Radiology

SALARY : Grade 1: R359 622 – R408 201 per annum
Grade 2: R420 015 – R477 771 per annum
Grade 3: R491 676 – R595 251 per annum
Other Benefits: 13TH Cheque, Housing Allowance (employees must Meet the
prescribed requirements), (Medical Aid Optional)

CENTRE : Ladysmith Regional Hospital

REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12 (Matric) Certificate. National Diploma/Degree in Diagnostic
Radiography. Registration with the HPCSA as a Diagnostic Radiographer
(Independent Practice). Current registration as a Diagnostic Radiographer
(2023/2024). Grade 1: No Experience after registration with HPCSA in respect
of RSA qualified who have performed community services, and 1 year
appropriate/recognizable experience in respect of foreign qualified not required
to perform community service. Grade 2: minimum of 10 years
appropriate/recognizable experience after registration as a Radiographer with the HPCSA in respect of RSA qualified who have performed community
services, and 11 year appropriate/recognizable experience after registration as
a Radiographer with the HPCSA in respect of foreign qualified not required to
perform community service. Grade 3: Minimum of 20 years
appropriate/recognizable experience after registration as a Radiographer with
the HPCSA in respect of RSA qualified who have performed community
services, and 21 year appropriate/recognizable experience after registration as
a Radiographer with the HPCSA in respect of foreign qualified not required to
perform community service. NB: only shortlisted candidates will be required to
submit certified documents and certificate of service on or before day of the
interview following communication from HR. Knowledge, Skills, Training and
Competences Required: Sound knowledge of Diagnostic Radiography
procedures, including computed tomography and fluoroscopy, and equipment.
Sound knowledge of radiation control and safety measures. Computer literacy.
Knowledge of relevant Health and Safety Acts. Ability to communicate
effectively and problem solving skills. Good interpersonal relations and ability
to perform well within a team. Ability to perform basic quality assurance tests.

DUTIES : To provide high quality Diagnostic Radiographic service according to patient
needs. To promote good health practices and ensure optimal care of patients.
To execute all clinical procedures competently to prevent complications. To
provide a 24 hour radiographic service including weekends and public holidays.
To perform reception, clerical duties as required. To compile reports as required
in working environment. To comply with safe radiation protection standards. To
contribute to the overall work process in the component. To comply with and
promote Batho Pele principles. To inspect and utilize equipment professionally
and thus ensure compliance with safety regulations. To participate in quality
assurance and quality improvement projects. To participate and comply with
National core standards.

ENQUIRIES : Mr. B. Mbana (Assistant Director Radiography) Tel No: (036) 6372111

APPLICATIONS : All applications should be posted to: The Human Resource Management,
Ladysmith Regional Hospital, Private Bag X9928, Ladysmith, 3370.


NOTE : The contents of this Circular Minute must be brought to the notice of all eligible
officers and employees on your establishment of all Institutions. Institutions
must notify all candidates who qualify for post in this circular minute even if
they are absent from their normal places of work to apply. Direction to
Candidates: the following documents must be submitted: Application for
Employment form (Z83) which is obtainable from any Government Department
OR from the website – www.kznhealth.gov.za.The application form (Z83) must
be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae only. Only shortlisted
candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other
related documents on or before the day of the interview following
communication from Human Resources. The reference number must be
indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 and on the back of the
envelope, e.g. Ref 13/2018. NB: Failure to comply with the above instructions
will be disqualify applicants. Person with disabilities should feel free to apply
for these posts. The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from
the NIA the following checks (security clearance, credit records, qualification,
citizenship and previous experience employment verification). Failure to
comply will result in the application not being considered”. Due to the large
number of applications, receipt of applications will not be acknowledged.
However, correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Please
note that due to financial constraint no S&T claims will be considered for
payment to the candidates that are invited for an interview.

CLOSING DATE : 28 July 2023

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