Directorate: Plastic Surgery
SALARY : Grade 1: R332 427 per annum, plus benefits
Grade 2: R389 754 per annum, plus benefits
Grade 3: R459 126 per annum, plus benefits
CENTRE : Steve Biko Academic Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Matric/Senior certificate. National Diploma, Degree in Diagnostic Radiography
or appropriate qualification that allows registration with the Health Professions
Council of South African HPCSA as a Diagnostic Radiographer. Registration
with HPCSA as an independent diagnostic Radiographer. Current registration
with the HPCSA for 2022-2023. Computer literacy essential. Good
interpersonal skills. Knowledge of Public Service legislation, policies and
procedures. Knowledge of current Department of Health guidelines ad policies
governing the Health sector and Radiography profession. Grade 1: No
experiences required after registration with HPCSA in respect of RSA qualified
employees who performed community service, as required in South Africa.
One year experience after registration with HPCSA in the relevant profession
in respect of foreign qualified employees of whom it is not required to perform
community service, as required in South Africa. Grade 2: Minimum of 10 years’
experience after registration with the HPCSA in the relevant profession in
respect of RSA qualified employees who perform community service, as
required in South Africa. Minimum of eleven (11) years’ experience after
registration with HPCSA in the relevant profession in respect of foreign
qualified employees, of whom it is not required to perform community service,
as required in South Africa. Grade 3: Minimum of twenty (20) years’ experience
after registration with HPCSA in the relevant profession in respect of RSA
qualified employees who perform community service, as required in South Africa. Minimum of twenty-one (21) years’ experience after registration with
HPCSA in the relevant profession in respect of foreign qualified employees, of
whom it is not required to perform community service, as required in South
Africa. Knowledge, skills, Training and Competencies. Required: Sound
knowledge of radiation protections. Sound knowledge of radiation protections.
Sound knowledge of diagnostic radiography practice and ethos. Knowledge of
relevant Health and Safety Acts. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
DUTIES : Provide diagnostic Radiography services in a 24-hour department. To produce
X-ray images according to prescribed protocols, radiation control measures
and medico-legal requirements. Assist in the training of Community Service
Radiographers, and students. Assist in the quality assurance processes.
Supervise and participate in departmental quality assurance tests. Participate
and facilitate in CPD programs as required by the HPCSA. To adhere to Batho
Pele principles, National core standards, Quality Assurance and other Public
Service Policies and Acts. Perform administrative duties including compiling
statistics and performing any other duties as delegated by the Supervisor.
ENQUIRIES Mr OE Lekaota Tel No: 012 354 1379
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted to Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Private Bag
x 169, Pretoria, 0001 or hand delivered to Cnr Malherbe & Steve Biko Road,
Main Entrance at Level 3.
NOTE : The application must only include a complete and signed new Z83 Form,
obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at and a detailed Curriculum Vitae. Certified copies of Identity
Document, Senior Certificate and the highest required qualification as well as
a driver`s license where necessary, will only be submitted by shortlisted to HR
on before the day of the interview date. Steve Biko Academic Hospital is
committed to the pursuit of diversity and redress. Candidates whose
appointment will promote representivity in terms of race, disability and gender
will receive preference.
CLOSING DATE : 03 February 2023