POST 39/79 : CLEANER REF NO: SG 05/22/07 (X2 POSTS)

SALARY : R104 073 per annum (Level 02)

CENTRE : 7 Medical Battalion Group, Lyttelton, Pretoria

REQUIREMENTS : NQF Level 2 – 4 with relevant experience. Special requirements (skills needed):
Communicate effectively. Must be physically healthy. Background on cleaning
in any environment will be advantage. No criminal record.

DUTIES : To ensure a high standard of cleaning and hygiene service in and around 7
Medical Battalion Group (Military Base) including outside areas. Duties
includes clean the interior of buildings, dust and polish furniture, pick up
rubbish, empty garbage containers and take content to waste area for removal.
Vacuum and clean carpets, curtains and floors, wash windows, wash ablution
facilities remove dust and dirt from ceilings, walls, overhead pipes and fixtures,
sweep floors and reporting of any defaults in the facilities. Check the general
condition of cleaning machinery regularly and report where equipment is faulty.

ENQUIRIES : Captain R. Mthembu Tel No: (012) 671 6846/6845

APPLICATIONS : Department of Defence, South African Military Health Service, 7 Medical
Battalion Group, Private Bag X1010, Lyttelton, Pretoria 0140 or maybe hand
delivered to 7 Medical Battalion Group, Cnr North and Lionel Slade street,
Lyttelton, Pretoria.

CLOSING DATE : 28 October 2022 at 16:00 (Applications received after the closing date and
faxed copies will not be considered).

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